Johnny Depp sebenarnya asli jawa, nama aslinya Junaidi. Setelah merantau ke US, bule-bule disana memanggilnya Johnny Depp, karena terlalu susah untuk memanggil Junaidi
Ok, Today in Twitter I started reading a lot of RIP Johnny Depp tweets, and of course, my eye got caught.According to some sources Johnny Depp passed away after a fatal car crash.
But, as always, fact checking is important. And we can dismiss those rumours since they all link to an old hoax link, dated 2004, and we all know Johnny Depp´s been pretty busy this few years.
So, fans, don´t you worry, Johnny Depp is alive and well.
Why is it that these kind of rumours go around like that?
Klarifikasi Gosip Johnny Depp Meninggal
Anda sedang membaca artikel Klarifikasi Gosip Johnny Depp Meninggal dengan url : http://sigithermawan12.blogspot.com/2010/01/klarifikasi-gosip-johnny-depp-meninggal.html
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