

RIHANNA - DIAMONDS LYRICS Bintang pop Rihanna merilis lagu "Diamonds" sebagai single resmi pertama dari album studio ketujuh nya,  Unapologetic (2012). Lagu ini ditulis oleh Sia Furler yang bekerja sama dengan Benny Blanco, Mikkel S. Eriksen dan Tor Erik Hermansen. Diproduksi oleh Blanco, serta Eriksen dan Hermansen di bawah nama produksi mereka StarGate. "Diamonds" dirilis pada 26 September 2012, selama Elvis Duran dan Morning Show dan itu dirilis pada hari berikutnya. Def Jam Recordings diminta untuk single radio hit kontemporer di Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 2 Oktober. "Diamonds" adalah mid-tempo pop balada dengan pengaruh electronic dan musik soul. Lagu ini adalah keberangkatan dari tema "hubungan yang tidak sehat" yang jelas dalam single sebelumnya Rihanna.

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

Find light in the beautiful sea
I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I
We’re like diamonds in the sky

You’re a shooting star I see
A vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky

I knew that we’d become one right away
Oh, right away
At first sight I left the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes

So shine bright, tonight you and I
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Palms rise to the universe
As we moonshine and molly
Feel the warmth, we’ll never die
We’re like diamonds in the sky

You’re a shooting star I see
A vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes

So shine bright, tonight you and I
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

So shine bright, tonight you and I
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

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