
Toshiba Satellite U500/U505 Driver And Overview

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satellite-u505-s2925w-laptopOVER VIEW
The all-new Toshiba Satellite U500/U505 series notebook offers a conveniently compact footprint similar to most laptops with a 13.3" display, but you really can't call this notebook an "ultraportable." With a thickness of 1.5 inches (2.25 inches with 12-cell battery) the U505 is probably one of the larger 13-inch laptops currently on the market. Not only is the U505 is thicker than the Apple's MacBook Air or Lenovo's ThinkPad X301, but the U505 is also thicker and heavier than the Dell Studio XPS 13 or the 13-inch MacBook Pro.

The exterior of the U505 is constructed of plastic with some flex around the left palmrest and the LCD lid when heavy pressure is applied. The chassis itself doesn't suffer from the "squeaks" that are common with cheaper plastic notebooks. Toshiba wisely decided to abandon the high-gloss "Fusion" finish used on last year's Satellite notebooks in favor of a matte textured finish. Our review unit features the upgraded texture finish in "Luxe Brown Premium" that also includes chrome highlights around the edges of the notebook.


The screen is simply beautiful when viewing from straight ahead. Horizontal viewing angles are good, but you will start to notice some color shift at extreme wide angles. There is also some color inversion when you view the screen from sharp vertical angles (bright colors when viewed from above the notebook or dark, inverted colors when looking up at the screen from the floor) but most people rarely view a screen from these extreme vertical angles.

All of Drivers below support for Toshiba Satellite M500-ST5401, Toshiba Satellite M505-S4940, Toshiba Satellite M500-ST6421, Toshiba Satellite M505-S4949, Toshiba Satellite M505-S4945, Toshiba Satellite M505-S4947, Toshiba Satellite U500-ST5302, Toshiba Satellite U500-ST6321, Toshiba Satellite U505-S2940, Toshiba Satellite U505-S2925BN, Toshiba Satellite U505-SP2990A, Toshiba Satellite U505-S2925W, Toshiba Satellite U505-S2925P, Toshiba Satellite U505-S2935, Toshiba Satellite U505-SP2990C, Toshiba Satellite U505-S2930, Toshiba Satellite U505-SP2990R
- Toshiba Hardware Setup Utility
Driver File Size: 7.8 Mbyte
Download from here
- Realtek LAN Driver
File Size: 7.7 Mbyte
Download here
- Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility
File Size: 4Mbyte
Download here
- Toshiba Value Added Package
File Size: 44 Mbyte
Download here
- Toshiba Disc Creator (This driver also works on Windows 7)
File Size: 9 Mbyte
Download here
- Toshiba 3G Connection Manager
File Size: 30 Mbyte
download here
- Option 3G Driver
File Size: 63 Mbyte
Download here
- Intel PROSet or Wireless WIMAX Software
File Size: 9 Mbyte
download here
- Intel Display Driver
File Size: 22 Mbyte
download here
AMD Display Driver
File Size: 106 MByte
Download here
All of drivers above support for Microsoft Windows Vista 32Bit and 64Bit.

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Toshiba Satellite U500/U505 Driver And Overview
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